Takeaways from Soul Survivor

Currently, I'm reading "Soul Survivor" by Philip Yancy, a book showcasing his talent for storytelling and his equal talent as a story-finder. His exploration of how one deals with life within the church shed light on the encounters with mentors that shaped his perspective on his life and faith. His storytelling is the living testament that stories are not just told but unearthed, lived through, and passed down.
Throughout his quest, Yancy unearths narratives from people, formally and informally, usually leading to unlikely mentorship experiences. This draws out the concept that profound life lessons often come from sources we least expect. Additionally, this underscores our role in other people's lives. Like it or not, we become that unintentional mentor to those in our sphere of influence.
There are three takeaways from Yancy's approach:
UNEXPECTED WISDOM: This learning is valuable and often comes from the most unexpected source and situation. Be aware of finding wisdom in the unexpected stories of those you meet on life's journey.
SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE: You have the ability to give experience to others by reflecting on your own experience. In many instances, through sharing with others, in most cases, your own life story, one often finds oneself unconsciously, often willingly or unwillingly, part of the mentoring cycle.
ENGAGE IN REFLECTIVE THINKING: Take some time, from time to time, to think reflectively about your daily experiences and interactions. Reflective thinking helps you make some sense of the activities around you, allowing you to draw lessons from those events.
Remind yourself that through the innumerable lessons that life is giving you, you could become salt and light for others. Our lives are woven, every intricate thread into the grand design, giving us opportunities to mentor and be mentored in the most serendipitous of ways. Every life is a unique story of significance, and together, we write the magnum opus of human experience, where every chapter holds the potential to be a wellspring of inspiration and hope.


The Kind Bully


Reflect, Grow, Act